Seawater and Carbon Chemistry

ESBMTK provides several classes that abstract the handling of basin geometry, seawater chemistry and air-sea gas exchange.


For many modeling tasks, it is important to know a globally averaged hypsometric curve. ESBMTK will automatically create a suitable hypsography instance if a esbmtk.esbmtk.Species() or esbmtk.extended_classes.Reservoir() instance is specified with the geometry keyword as in the following example where the first list item denotes the upper depth datum, the second list item, the lower depth datum, and the last list item denotes the fraction of the total ocean area if the upper boundary would be at sea level.

    name="S_b",  # Name of reservoir group
    geometry=[-200, -800, 1],  # upper, lower, fraction
    concentration="0 mmol/kg",
print(f"M.S_b.area = {M.S_b.area:.2e}") # surface area at upper depth datum
print(f"M.S_b.sed_area = {M.S_b.sed_area:.2e}") # surface between upper and lower datum
print(f"M.S_b.volume = {M.S_b.volume:.2e}") # total volume

This will register 3 new instance variables, and also create a hypsometry instance at the model level that provides access to the following methods:

#return the ocean area at a given depth in m**2
print(f"M.hyp.area(0) = {M.hyp.area(0):.2e}")

# return the area between 2 depth datums in m**2
print(f"M.hyp.area_dz(0, -200) = {M.hyp.area_dz(0, -200):.2e}")

# return the volume between 2 depth datums in m**3
print(f"M.hyp.volume(0,-200) = {M.hyp.volume(0,-200):.2e}")

# return the total surface area of earth in m**2
print(f" = {}")

The hypsometric data is based on the Scripps’ SRTM15+V2.5.5 grid (Tozer et al., 2019,, which was down-sampled to a 5-minute grid before processing the hypsometry.


Comparison between spline fit, and the actual data.


ESBMTK provides a esbmtk.seawater.SeawaterConstants() class that will be automatically instantiated when a esbmtk.extended_classes.Reservoir() instance definition includes the seawater_parameters keyword. This keyword expects a dictionary that specifies temperature, salinity, and pressure for a given Reservoirgroup. The class methods and instance variables are accessible via the swc instance.

    name="S_b",  # box name
    geometry=[-200, -800, 1],  # upper, lower, fraction
    concentration={M.DIC: "2220 umol/kg", M.TA: "2300 umol/kg"},
        "T": 25,  # Deg celsius
        "P": 0,  # Bar
        "S": 35,  # PSU
# Acess the sewater_parameters with the swc instance
print(f"M.S_b.density = {M.S_b.swc.density:.2e}")

Apart from density, this class will provide access to a host of instance parameters, e.g., equilibrium constants - see esbmtk.seawater.SeawaterConstants.update_parameters() for the currently defined names. Most of these values are computed by pyCO2SYS ( Using pyCO2SYS provides access to a variety of parametrizations for the respective equilibrium constants, various pH scales, as well as different methods to calculate buffer factors. Unless explicitly specified in the model definition, ESBMTK uses the defaults set by pyCO2SYS. Note that when using the seawater class, the model concentration unit must be set to mol/kg as in the following example:

M = Model(
    stop="6 Myr",  # end time of model
    timestep="1 kyr",  # upper limit of time step
    element=["Carbon"],  # list of element definitions
    opt_k_carbonic=13,  # Use Millero 2006
    opt_pH_scale=1,  # 1:total, 3:free scale
    opt_buffers_mode=2, # carbonate, borate water alkalinity only


  • Seawater Parameters are only computed once when the Reservoir is instantiated, to provide an initial steady state. Subsequent changes to seawater chemistry or physical parameters do not affect the initial state.

  • The swc instance provides a show() method listing most values. However, that list may not be comprehensive.

  • See the pyCO2SYS documentation for a list of parameters and options

  • The code example in the examples directory

Carbon Chemistry


Unless explicitly requested (see above), pH will be reported on the total scale. The hydrogen ion concentration ([H+]) is computed by pyCO2SYS based on the initial DIC and total alkalinity (TA) concentrations. Subsequent hydrogen concentration calculations use the iterative approach of Follows et al. 2005 (

Provided that the model has terms for DIC and TA, pH calculations for a given esbmtk.extended_classes.Reservoir() instance are added using the esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry.add_carbonate_system_1() function:

box_names = [A_sb, I_sb, P_sb, H_sb]  # list of Reservoir handles

This will create Species esbmtk.esbmtk.Species() instances for Hplus and CO2aq. After running the model, the resulting concentration data is available in the usual manner:


The remaining carbonate species are calculated during post-processing (see the esbmtk.post_processing.carbonate_system_1_pp() function) and are available as



  • The resulting concentration data depends on the choice of equilibrium constants and how they are calculated (see the opt_k_carbonic, opt_buffers_mode keywords above).

  • The data from post-processing is currently available as esbmtk.extended_classes.VectorData() instance, rather than as esbmtk.esbmtk.Species() instance.

  • Species that use carbonate system 2 (see below), do not need to use carbonate system 1

  • ESBMTK will print a warning message of the pH changes by more than 0.01 units per time step. However, this is only a crude measure, since the solver also uses interpolation between integration steps. So this may not catch all possible scenarios.

Carbonate burial and dissolution

Carbonate burial and dissolution use the parametrization proposed by Boudreau et al. 2010 ( The current ESBMTK implementation has the following shortcomings:

  • It only considers Calcium dissolution/burial (although it would be easy to add Aragonite)

  • Results will only be correct as long as the depth of the saturation horizon remains below the upper depth datum of the deep-water box. Future versions will address this limitation.

The following figure provides an overview of the parametrizations and variables used by the esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry.carbonate_system_2() and esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry.add_carbonate_system_2() functions.


Overview of the parametrizations and variables used by the esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry.carbonate_system_2() and esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry.add_carbonate_system_2() functions. Image Credit: Tina Tsan & Mahruk Niazi

Provided a given model has data for DIC & TA, and that the carbonate export flux is known, carbonate_system_2 can be added to a Reservoir instance in the following way:

surface_boxes: list = [M.L_b]
deep_boxes: list = [M.D_b]
export_fluxes: list = M.flux_summary(filter_by="PIC_DIC L_b", return_list=True)

        r_db=deep_boxes,  # list of reservoir groups
        r_sb=surface_boxes,  # list of reservoir groups
        carbonate_export_fluxes=export_fluxes,  # list of export fluxes
        z0=-200,  # depth of shelf
        alpha=alpha,  # dissolution coefficient, typically around 0.6


  • boxes and fluxes are lists, since in some models there is more than one surface box (e.g., models that resolve individual ocean basins)

  • ESBMTK only considers the sediment area to 6000 mbsl. The area contributed by the elevations below 6000 mbsl is negligible, and this constrain simplifies the hypsographic fit.

  • The total sediment area of a given Reservoir is known provided the box-geometry was specified correctly.

  • The esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry.carbonate_system_2() function only returns [H+] and the dissolution flux for given box. It does not return the burial flux.

  • Please study the actual model implementations provided in the examples folder.


As with carbonate_system_1 the remaining carbonate species are not part of the equation system, rather they are calculated once a solution has been found. Since the solver does not store the carbonate export fluxes, one first has to calculate the relevant fluxes from the concentration data in the model solution. This is however model dependent (i.e., export productivity as a function of residence time, or as a function of upwelling flux), and as such post-processing of carbonate_system_2 is not done automatically, but has to be initiated manually, e.g., like this:

# get CaCO3_export in mol/year
CaCO3_export ="{M.f_unit}").magnitude
    M.D_b,  # Reservoir
    CaCO3_export,  # CaCO3 export flux
    200,  # z0
    6000,  # zmax

This will compute all carbonate species similar to carbonate_system_1_pp, and in addition calculate:

M.D_b.Fburial  # CaCO3 burial flux mol/year
M.D_b.Fdiss  # CaCO3 dissolution flux mol/year
M.D_b.zsat  # Saturation depth in mbsl
M.D_b.zcc  # CCD depth in mbsl
M.D_b.zsnow  # Snowline depth in mbsl

see the esbmtk.post_processing.carbonate_system_2_pp() function for details.

Gas Exchange

ESBMTK implements gas exchange across the Air-Sea interface as a esbmtk.connections.Species2Species() instance, between a esbmtk.extended_classes.GasReservoir() and a esbmtk.esbmtk.Species() instance. In the following example, we first declare a Gasreservoir and then connect it with a regular surface box. Note that the CO2gas transfer calculation requires that the respective surface reservoir carries the CO2aq tracer as calculated by the esbmtk.bio_pump_functions0.carbonate_chemistry_carbonate_system_1.() function since the gas-transfer depends on the dissolved CO2rather than on the DIC concentration.

    reservoir_mass="1.833E20 mol",
    species_ppm="280 ppm",

Species2Species(  # Example for CO2
    source=M.CO2_At,  # GasReservoir
    sink=M.L_b.DIC,  # Reservoir
    area=M.L_b.area,  # surface area
    id="L_b_GEX",  # connection id
    piston_velocity="4.8 m/d",

Defining gas transfer for O2 uses the same approach, but note the use of the solubility and ref_species keywords. At present, ESBMTK only carries the solubility constants for CO2and O2.

Species2Species(  # Example for O2
    source=M.O2_At,  # GasReservoir
    sink=M.L_b.O2,  # Reservoir
    piston_velocity="4.8 m/d",

pCO2Dependent Weathering

ESBMTK defines a simple power law function to calculate pCO2dependent weathering fluxes (see e.g., Walker and Hays, 1981,

\[f = A \times f_{0} \times \left(\frac{pCO_{2}}{p_{0}CO_{2}}\right)^{c}\]

where \(A\) denotes the area, \(f_0\) the weathering flux at \(p_{0}CO_2\), pCO2the CO2partial pressure at a given time \(t\), \(p_{0}CO_2\) the reference partial pressure of CO2and \(c\) a constant. See the esbmtk.processes.weathering() function for details. Within the context of ESBMTK, weathering fluxes are just another connection type:

Species2Species(  # CaCO3 weathering
    source=M.Fw.DIC,  # source of flux
    reservoir_ref=M.CO2_At,  # pCO2
    scale=1,  # optional, defaults to 1
    ex=0.2,  # exponent c
    pco2_0="280 ppm",  # reference pCO2
    rate="12 Tmol/a",  # rate at pco2_0